IOPC Funds run 3-day training course for OCIMF members

The Secretariat ran a training course from 15 to 17 of November 2016 for 11 members of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF). At the request of OCIMF, the IOPC Funds provided a detailed insight into the international liability and compensation regime and its legal framework. This was supported by presentations from the International Group of P&I Associations and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Members of the Funds’ Secretariat delivered presentations on contributions and the types of claims covered by the regime, including property damage, onshore and offshore clean-up response, fisheries, tourism and environmental impacts. All topics gave rise to active discussions.
The final day was fully dedicated to a table top exercise during which participants worked in teams and were given the opportunity to put into practice their knowledge learned during the previous two days. The participants were presented with a hypothetical oil spill scenario and were required to plan a response to the incident, adapting their strategy according to the unfolding events. The final goal was to put a claim together and present it to the rest of the group, which prompted interesting exchanges of opinions on admissibility and the reasonableness of claims.