Online seminar for IIDM and CENNAVE

On 14 October 2021, the Director, José Maura, and Head of Claims, Liliana Monsalve, participated in an online seminar for the Instituto de Derecho Marítimo (IDDM) and Centro de Navegación (CENNAVE) in Uruguay. The seminar was part of a virtual course organised by the two organisations over a period of three weeks, entitled ‘Introduction to Maritime Law’ and the IOPC Funds were invited to speak about the international liability and compensation regime.
The seminar attracted some 60 participants from across Latin America and was a valuable opportunity to continue to widen awareness in the region of the work of the IOPC Funds and of the International Conventions for liability and compensation for oil pollution damage and also for damage caused by the carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) by sea.