All current IOPC Funds’ publications are available to download below and many are available in hard copy upon request. However, the electronic download of publications is encouraged.
An archive of Annual Reports dating back to 1978 can be browsed below.
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Annual Reports

Annual Report 2023
Includes: an overview of the Funds, recent developments in oil spill incidents, financial highlights, membership details, and the decisions of the governing bodies.

1992 Fund Financial Review 2023
This publication contains the full Financial Statements of the 1992 Fund for 2023, as approved by the 1992 Fund Assembly at its November 2024 session. Split into three sections, this Financial Review includes the Director’s comments on the Financial Statements as well as the Statement on Internal Control, recommendations by the External Auditor and the Director’s response to those recommendations. It also includes the External Auditor’s Report and Opinion.

Supplementary Fund Financial Review 2023
This publication contains the full Financial Statements of the Supplementary Fund for 2023, as approved by the Supplementary Fund Assembly at its November 2024 session. Split into three sections, this Financial Review includes the Director’s comments on the Financial Statements as well as the Statement on Internal Control. It also includes the External Auditor’s Opinion.

Texts of Conventions
This booklet contains the texts of the 1992 Civil Liability Convention and the 1992 Fund Convention, i.e. the consolidated texts of the 1969 Civil Liability Convention and the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by the 1992 Protocols, together with the texts of the two Resolutions on the increase of the limits, and the text of the Supplementary Fund Protocol.

1971 Fund Commemorative Brochure
Following the dissolution of the 1971 Fund on 31 December 2014, this commemorative brochure was published by the Secretariat. It provides an overview of the key incidents and events involving the original IOPC Fund, which helped pave the way for the international liability and compensation regime that is in place today.
Claims Information Pack
The Claims Information Pack has been developed to assist claimants in a Member State following an oil spill incident. The below publications are available to download and hard copies of the information pack, containing the Claims Manual, all four sets of Guidelines and an example claim form within a lightweight folder, are available on request.

Claims Manual
A practical guide to presenting claims against the IOPC Funds. The Manual briefly describes the Funds’ history and legal background, what types of claims are considered admissible and how to present a claim. This 2019 version contains amendments adopted in April 2018. It is not currently available in printed form. However, hard copies of the previous 2016 version are available on request, together with an accompanying explanatory note, setting out the latest amendments.

Fisheries Guidelines
Guidelines for presenting claims in the fisheries, mariculture and fish processing sector.
These Guidelines set out what should be done following an oil spill and what sort of information is needed to make a claim for compensation, specifically to assist claimants engaged in catching, farming and processing seafood.

Tourism Guidelines
Guidelines for presenting claims in the tourism sector.
These Guidelines set out what should be done following an oil spill and what sort of information is needed to make a claim for compensation, specifically to assist claimants in the tourism sector.

Clean up Guidelines
Guidelines for presenting claims for clean up and preventive measures. These Guidelines have been published specifically to assist claimants who have incurred costs for clean up or preventive measures to better understand if, when, and how they can make claims for compensation.

Environmental Damage Guidelines
Guidelines for presenting claims for environmental damage.
These Guidelines set out what should be done following an oil spill to present claims for environmental damage covered by the international liability and compensation regime, that is, the reimbursement of costs for post-spill studies and for reinstatement of environments damaged by oil.

Example Claim Form
This is an example claim form for reference and training purposes only. It has been designed to give an indication of the type of information which would be required to substantiate a claim and includes specific sections for different types of claims. In the event of an incident, the process for claim submission will be explained and specific customised claim forms and facilities will normally be made available by the 1992 Fund via this website.
Other guidance documents

Guidance for Member States
Investigating the Circumstances Surrounding an Oil Pollution Incident Involving Uninsured and Unsafe Ships
This guidance is to assist Member States when investigating the circumstances surrounding an oil pollution incident involving uninsured and unsafe ships. It will be particularly useful in cases where critical information about an oil spill is unclear, such as the cause of the spill or the registration and insurance status of the ship.

Guide to Persistent Oil and Contributing Oils
This guide clarifies the differences between contributing, persistent oil, and non-persistent oil. It identifies oils covered by the Conventions and helps Member States and oil receivers understand which oils should be included in their annual reporting of contributing oil.

Claims for Environmental Damage: An Overview
The IOPC Funds’ Claims Information Pack already contains Guidelines for presenting claims for environmental damage. This shortened brochure summarises the key points of the Funds’ policy on claims for environmental damage, presenting them in a more simplified, visual format.

Guidance for Member States
Consideration of the Definition of 'Ship'
This document provides a general guide to the definition of ‘ship’ under the 1992 CLC and may assist in determining whether compensation should, in principle, be paid following an oil spill incident.

Guidance for Member States
Measures to facilitate the claims handling process
This Guidance document contains measures which Member States might wish to consider in preparation for, or in the event that they suffer, pollution damage as a result of an oil spill. Such measures are aimed at facilitating the claims handling process following an incident.

Guidance for Member States
Management of Fisheries Closures and Restrictions Following an Oil Spill
Written specifically to assist governments and their agencies with responsibilities for the management of fisheries resources and safeguarding public health, this guide sets out the issues that Member States may wish to consider when planning or implementing fisheries closures or restrictions following an oil spill.

Fisheries Guidelines (experts)
Technical guidelines for assessing fisheries sector claims with special reference to small-scale operations lacking evidence of earnings.
These guidelines are designed to assist experts in the assessment of claims in the fisheries sector, with special reference to small-scale operations lacking evidence of earnings.

The 2010 HNS Convention: Why it is needed
Together with the IOPC Funds ITOPF, IMO has produced a six-page brochure that explains the benefits of the 2010 HNS Convention and encourages the next steps for States to implement and accede to the Convention.

The 2010 HNS Convention
A brochure containing information on the HNS Convention.
Further information on the HNS Convention and the 2010 HNS Protocol can be found at