Meetings of the governing bodies

The governing bodies of the IOPC Funds meet two or three times per year in order to fulfil the requirements set out under Article 18 of the 1992 Fund Convention and Article 16 of the Supplementary Fund Protocol.  Under those Articles, the governing bodies are required, among other things, to give instructions concerning the administration of the Funds to the Director and to supervise the proper execution of the Conventions and of their own decisions.  Further details on the individual governing bodies are provided via the right navigation bar.

Ordinarily, meetings of the IOPC Funds governing bodies are held at the headquarters of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, which also houses the IOPC Funds offices. However, in the past, the IOPC Funds have had the pleasure of holding sessions of the governing bodies in Morocco (2011), Monaco (2008) and Canada (2007) at the kind and generous invitation of the respective Governments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the refurbishment of the IMO meeting facilities, five meetings of the governing bodies were held remotely between December 2020 and March 2022.

The next meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies will take place in person from Tuesday 5 to Friday 8 November 2024. It will be complemented by a passive streaming service and will include the following sessions:

1992 Fund Assembly — Twenty-ninth session (92A29)

1992 Fund Executive Committee — Eighty-third session (92EC83)

Supplementary Fund Assembly — Twenty-first session (SA21)

An induction course will be held on Monday, 4 November, which will be open to all interested delegates, however, the course is designed for those who are new to the IOPC Funds or have little prior knowledge of the organisations.  Further information about how to register for this course will be circulated nearer the time.

The invitation and provisional agenda, including a provisional timetable for the sessions, have been issued to all Member States, and States and organisations with observer status.

Documents issued for IOPC Funds’ meetings are made available via the Document Services section, where delegates can also register for the meeting. Information about the requirement for credentials and notifications for meetings is available here.

The main issues discussed and decisions taken by the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies at previous meetings are summarised in news briefs, the most recent of which is available here. The full Record of Decisions for every meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies are available via the Document Services section. Photographs taken at the April 2024 sessions are available here.