Upcoming events

10 Apr

IOPC Funds at Interspill 2025 Conference

Venue: London, United Kingdom, 10/04/2025

Interspill 2025, the European oil spill conference and exhibition, will take place at ExCeL London, in London, United Kingdom, from 8-10 April 2025. As a supporter of the event and member of the organising committee, the IOPC Funds’ Secretariat is involved in the organisation of the conference and will also have a stand at the exhibition, providing information on the work of the organisation as well as guidance on the claims process and admissibility criteria. 

As a leading event for oil spill research, prevention, preparedness, the conference will focus on increased spill risk caused by oil production’s shift towards mature basins, often with older infrastructure, and on concerns over pollutants like debris and plastics. 

Delegates will be addressed by global thought-leaders representing international spill response companies, the private sector, as well as governmental and non- governmental bodies. Prospective participants, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors are invited to indicate their interest in attending by registering here. 

A number of seminars, workshops, training events, and networking activities are planned to run in parallel with the conference and exhibition.   

The IOPC Funds are looking forward to this opportunity to engage directly with the response community, to raise awareness of the role of the organisation, and to contribute to the training activities relating to preparedness by discussing claims for compensation for damage caused by a major oil spill or hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) incident.

29 Apr

April 2025 IOPC Funds meeting

Venue: London, United Kingdom, 29/04/2025

The next meeting of the IOPC Funds governing bodies will take place from 29 April to 1 May 2025. A circular containing the invitation and provisional agenda has now been issued and  further information can be found here.

09 Jun

IOPC Funds hosts 2025 Annual Academy

Venue: London, United Kingdom, 09/06/2025

The annual IOPC Funds Annual Academy will take place from Monday, 9 June to Friday, 13 June 2025 at the IOPC Funds headquarters in London.

The week-long programme will cover all aspects of the work of the IOPC Funds and will include practical exercises involving a theoretical incident and the subsequent claims submission process.  The Annual Academy, which is supported by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the International Group of P&I Associations, INTERTANKO and ITOPF, will also offer participants the opportunity to understand the relationships and common objectives of those stakeholders which are particularly important in tanker incidents where the 1992 Civil Liability and Fund Conventions apply.

Candidates should submit their nomination via the online application form within the External Relations page of the website by Friday, 2 May 2025.

20 Oct

October 2025 IOPC Funds meeting

Venue: London, United Kingdom, 20/10/2025

The next regular meeting of the IOPC Funds governing bodies will take place during the week commencing 20 October 2025. A circular containing the invitation and provisional agenda will be issued nearer the time. Further information can be found here.