2017 International Maritime Disaster Response Conference, Republic of Korea

The IOPC Funds participated in the 2017 International Maritime Disaster Response Conference on 6 and 7 December to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Hebei Spirit oil spill incident. The conference took place in Busan, Republic of Korea and was organised by the Korea Coast Guard in conjunction with the NOWPAP MERRAC Expert meeting.
The conference brought together over 200 participants, including government, domestic and international experts on marine pollution response, and various governmental and non-governmental organisations. It provided an opportunity to share knowledge and discuss case studies of major oil and HNS spill incidents. An exhibition was also displayed, which presented the latest trends and technology in the industry.
IOPC Funds Claims Manager, Chiara Della Mea, delivered a presentation on the international liability and compensation regime for oil spills from tankers, focusing on the admissibility of claims, in particular in the clean-up sector, and lessons learned from the Hebei Spirit incident.