Agia Zoni II: IOPC Funds opens Piraeus Claims Submission Office

An IOPC Funds Claims Submissions Office has been established in Piraeus, Greece, to receive claims arising from the pollution caused by the sinking of the tanker Agia Zoni II on 10 September 2017.
The office, which will be operational from Thursday 2 November 2017, is staffed by a Greek team and has been set up to ensure that all compensation claims are processed in an efficient and timely manner. A local team of claims experts has been engaged and all relevant documentation will be provided in both English and Greek.
Individuals, partnerships, companies, private or public bodies impacted by the sinking of the Agia Zoni II should submit their claims directly to the Claims Submission Office and appointments can be made to discuss individual claims by contacting the office at the address below.
Agia Zoni II Claims Submission Office
Skouze 26 Street
4th floor
Piraeus 18536
Telephone/fax number: +30 210 4282334