Director honoured with Golden Anchor Maritime Achievement Award

The Director, Mr José Maura, has been presented with a Golden Anchor Maritime Achievement Award during the 12th International Golden Anchor Maritime Achievement Awards Ceremony, Istanbul, Turkey on 8 September 2017. Mr Maura was honoured with the Award in recognition of his contribution to the maritime sector and competent management of claims of victims of oil pollution incidents worldwide. The Awards Ceremony was attended by over 700 people from 70 countries and was preceded by a boat tour in the Bosphorus Strait.
The Director expressed his gratitude at the ceremony for having been selected for an award which, he said, he took as recognition for the work of the IOPC Funds as a whole. He took the opportunity to express his appreciation to the Government of Turkey for their longstanding cooperation with the Secretariat and active participation at IOPC Funds meetings and noted the important contribution Turkey continued to make in relation to international maritime affairs in general.