Exhibition to mark 50 years of government and industry working together to address the risk of oil pollution from ships

The IOPC Funds is collaborating with IMO, ITOPF and other industry organisations to produce an exhibition to mark the achievements of the international community over the past 50 years to achieve a dramatic and sustained reduction in major oil spills from ships; to establish effective systems for preparedness and response if there is an incident; and to create a comprehensive mechanism for providing compensation.
In 1967, the grounding of the Torrey Canyon focused the world’s attention on the risks and environmental impact of major marine oil spills. It became a catalyst for positive change resulting in the introduction of a comprehensive regulatory framework, safer shipping, improved preparedness and response and adequate compensation. Notably, it prompted the development of the international liability and compensation regime and therefore the establishment of the IOPC Funds. This exhibition, entitled ’50 years working together: Government and industry collaboration to address the risk of oil pollution from ships’ will be launched at the meeting of the IMO Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response at the IMO building in London on 16 January 2017 and is expected to remain on display at IMO for up to seven months.