Georgia International Maritime Forum 2016

On 13 September 2016, the Director participated in the Georgia International Maritime Forum 2016 which took place in Batumi, Georgia.
The Director was one of the keynote speakers on the topic: "shipping, indispensable to the world". In his presentation he focused on the role of the international liability and compensation regime as a necessary safeguard for the risks of pollution inherent to the shipping business. He also took the opportunity to emphasise the importance of Georgia, as a 1992 Fund Member State, attending the meetings of the governing bodies.
The principal aim of the event was to raise awareness within the region and beyond of the indispensability of shipping and of the critical need of ensuring healthy oceans through a carefully executed integrated maritime policy.
The Prime Minister of Georgia gave some opening remarks at the Forum, and the Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Secretary General of IMO (among others) also delivered keynote speeches.