ICOPCE 2013, Singapore

The International Chemical and Oil Pollution Conference and Exhibition (ICOPCE 2013) took place in Singapore from 9 to 12 April 2013, organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). On the invitation of MPA, the Director and the Head of the External Relations and Conference Department, Thomas Liebert, took part in a pre-conference workshop on claims and compensation delivered jointly with ITOPF and the International Group of P&I Associations. Subsequently, Mr Liebert stayed on to chair the conference and present a paper on the latest developments within the IOPC Funds. He also took part in a chemical response deployment exercise. The conference attracted a number of delegates from government agencies in Singapore and from the shipping industry in the region. Debate focused on the ways to improve the management of ship-sourced oil spills risks through better cooperation among all shipping stakeholders.