Incident in the Philippines

Photo credit: Philippine Coast Guard
The IOPC Funds has been following news of the incident currently affecting the Philippines, involving the tanker MT Princess Empress, and is very sorry to see the resulting oil spill.
The organisation is liaising with the insurer of the ship and has contacted the delegation of the Philippines to IOPC Funds meetings to establish the latest situation.
It is reported that the vessel, having suffered engine difficulties before encountering rough seas, became half-submerged off the coast of Naujan, Oriental Mindoro on Tuesday 28 February. In the days that have followed an oil spill has been detected around the location of the ship, which is extending to other areas. The ship was carrying 800 000 litres of fuel oil as cargo at the time of the incident.
The Philippines is a Party to the 1992 Fund Convention, however it is too early to determine whether the Convention would apply to this incident at this stage. The IOPC Funds will continue to liaise with key stakeholders, to monitor developments closely and will respond accordingly. It will report to the upcoming session of the 1992 Fund Executive Committee in May.