IOPC Funds 2023 Annual Academy open for applications

The Director is pleased to announce that the IOPC Funds Annual Academy will be held in person in London between 12 – 16 June 2023.
The Annual Academy programme will cover all aspects of the work of the IOPC Funds and the international liability and compensation regime in general and will include interactive exercises which allow participants to study a theoretical incident and the subsequent claims submission process. The Academy is supported by a number of fellow organisations and key stakeholders, who each contribute to the programme, delivering presentations. Participants will spend most of the week on site at the International Maritime Organization, with one day spent visiting a related organisation.
The Annual Academy is open to a limited number of participants from 1992 Fund Member States and the online application form is now open. The Director encourages candidates to submit their applications as soon as possible. The deadline for receiving applications is 12 May 2023.
Further details, including the online application form can be found under the External Relations section of the website and circular: IOPC/2023/Circ.3.