IOPC Funds delivers online national workshop for Thailand

At the invitation of the Marine Department of Thailand, the IOPC Funds delivered on 26 September 2024, an online national workshop for government and oil company representatives responsible for the submission of oil reports and payment of contributions to the organisation.
The event was attended by approximately 30 participants. External Relations and Conference Manager, Victoria Turner, gave an introduction to the role of the IOPC Funds and the legal framework governing the international liability and compensation regime. She was followed by Policy Officer, Yuji Okugawa, who turned to the first area of focus, explaining in detail the process for submitting oil reports, highlighting in particular the importance of timely submission.
The second area of focus was contributions and financial management which was presented by Chief of Finance, Claire Montgomery, who offered a detailed explanation of the financial structure and processes of the organisation, looking at recent and historical levies of contributions before discussing the anticipated levies in late 2024.
The presentations were well-received and the IOPC Funds were extremely appreciative of the initiative taken by the Marine Department to organise this direct contact with contributors in the State. The Secretariat took the opportunity to thank Thailand and its contributing companies for their reliability and cooperation in respect of the submission of oil reports and payment of contributions. Representatives of the audience were happy to pose questions and explain their own processes and timelines in an effort to further improve that cooperation in the future.
The IOPC Funds are committed to promoting understanding of the international regime and to enhancing cooperation with oil receivers operating within Member States. The Secretariat is available to offer guidance and support to those seeking clarity and to facilitate a deeper comprehension of the oil reporting and contribution processes. To request further information, please contact