IOPC Funds’ Short Course: 2012 dates announced

Following the success of the IOPC Funds’ pilot internship programme in November 2011, the 1992 Fund Assembly have established the ‘IOPC Funds’ Short Course’ as an annual event. In 2012, the IOPC Funds’ Short Course will run from Monday 19 to Friday 23 November at the Funds’ headquarters in London. The course programme will cover all aspects of the work of the IOPC Funds and the international liability and compensation regime in general and will include practical exercises which allow participants to study a theoretical incident and the subsequent claims submission process. The course is supported by INTERTANKO, ICS, the International Group of P&I Associations, IMO, and ITOPF.
The course is open to a maximum of ten self-funded participants from 1992 Fund Member States, who should be nominated directly by their government by no later than Friday 7 September 2012. Further details can be found in Circular: 92FUND/Circ.84.