ITOPF Board meeting and seminar

ITOPF Director, Dr Karen Purnell, speaking at the seminar
The Director attended the annual ITOPF Board meeting on 8 November 2018 in London. ITOPF is the main experts’ organisation that works with the IOPC Funds on oil pollution incidents and delivers a range of other activities such as training and sharing information. The annual participation on ITOPF’s Board enables the IOPC Funds’ Secretariat to have direct interaction with the shipowners which are members of ITOPF. At this year’s meeting, the Director provided the Board with an update on the recent key discussions within the governing bodies as well as developments on current incidents involving the IOPC Funds.
The meeting was followed by a seminar during which members of the ITOPF technical team delivered a number of presentations on some of the recent shipping incidents they had attended, with a focus on marine pollutants other than crude and heavy fuel oils. The presentations relating to the handling of incidents involving hazardous and noxious substances that would fall under the 2010 HNS Convention were of particular interest to the members of the IOPC Funds in attendance.