Launch of the Global Initiative programme and regional workshop for south-east Asia

IMO and IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues, have jointly launched a new Global Initiative (GI) programme aimed at improving the oil spill preparedness and response capabilities in south east Asia, at a regional workshop that took place from 20 to 21 March 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The IOPC Funds were represented at the workshop and launch event by the Head of External Relations and Conference Department, Mr Thomas Liebert. The event was attended by more than 70 high-level representatives from Government and the maritime, oil and gas industry from countries across the south east Asia region. Further information regarding this event and the GI programme in general is available here.
The IOPC Funds are particularly supportive of the launch of the programme in this region, where several States are lacking sufficient protection against the economic risks of an oil spill. Mr Liebert took the opportunity to strongly encourage ratification of the relevant compensation Conventions across the region. A plan of action is now being developed by the project coordinator to identify areas of priority for activities in the next two years.