Lectures given to students at IMLI and from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona

Director, José Maura (centre), with students and representatives at IMLI
Director visits IMLI
On 28 March 2013, the Director visited the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), established by the IMO, in Malta. He gave a lecture to the 24th intake of IMLI lawyers on “The Role of the IOPC Funds in Compensating Victims of Oil Pollution Damage”. Mr Maura’s lecture was delivered within the framework of the Environmental Law Course of IMLI’s LL.M. programme and was attended by some 35 students from all over the world. After the lecture a good discussion took place on the International compensation regime and recent developments.
Visit to IOPC Funds by students from Barcelona
On 10 April 2013, the IOPC Funds were pleased to welcome two teachers and 23 students, currently studying for a Masters in Shipping Business, from the Universidad Politecnica de Barcelona. Claims Administrator, Miss Ana Cuesta, gave a general presentation on the international liability and compensation regime followed by a question and answer session.