November 2021 meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies to be held remotely

The invitation and agenda have now been issued for the next sessions of the IOPC Funds governing bodies, which will be held remotely via KUDO from 1 to 5 November 2021 (IOPC/2021/Circ.7).
Since a vote will take place to elect the next Director during the November 2021 meeting, it is important that Member States submit their credentials by the recommended deadline of Friday, 15 October. Member States are reminded that, any delegations whose credentials are not in order at the time of the vote will not be entitled to cast their ballot. Information on the procedures for the appointment of the Director will be issued in document IOPC/NOV21/7/2/1. All meeting documents are made available via the Document Services section, and registered users will receive notifications as new documents are published.
Only those delegates who have registered online and submitted credentials will receive a link to participate in the meeting. Registered delegates are requested to ensure that the following email address is added to their address book or allowed by their mailbox spam filters so notifications are not missed: Further details on the technical recommendations for participating in the virtual meeting will be issued in document IOPC/NOV21/1/4.
General information regarding the meeting and the role and composition of each governing body is available here.