Oil spill response training, Mohammedia, Morocco

The IOPC Funds participated in an oil spill response training event in Mohammedia, Morocco, from 15 to 17 May 2023. The training was organised by VIVO Energy, a contributor to the 1992 Fund for the benefit of all stakeholders who would be involved in a marine pollution incident. Amongst the participants various Moroccan Administrations were represented including the Department of Fisheries (Département de la pêche maritime), the Department of Fuels and Renewable Energies (Département des combustibles et des énergies renouvelables), the Directorate-General of Civil Protection (Direction Générale de la protection civile), the Port Authority and VIVO Energy.
Chrystelle Collier, Claims Administrator provided an overview of the legal framework of the international liability and compensation regime for oil pollution damage. She delivered a number of presentations on claims for compensation focusing on those related to response and clean-up operations. She discussed the most suitable procedure to submit a claim and highlighted the information and evidence that should be included. She emphasised, in particular, the significance of keeping and presenting detailed records to help to expedite the assessment of a claim. OSRL also presented on the best ways to conduct a successful response.
On the final day, the participants visited the stockpile equipment stored in Port Mohammedia. They also participated in a simulated oil spill scenario which gave them first-hand experience of the difficulties and the challenges they would encounter in an actual oil spill response emergency.
All participants showed great commitment to learning and were engaging through all sessions which led to fruitful discussions about the procedures for claiming compensation to ensure the most efficient recovery of costs.
The training was an excellent opportunity for the 40 participants to understand the different stages of the claims handling process from the submission to the settlement of a claim. It also provided an understanding of the challenges of incident management and the importance of having a well-developed plan which contains the necessary steps to prepare for, respond to and recover from a spill.