Online briefing session on the 2010 HNS Convention for Malaysia

On 6 July 2022, the Head of External Relations and Conference, Thomas Liebert, and Claims Manager, Mark Homan, delivered an online briefing session on the 2010 HNS Convention for the Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia (CICM).
Organised by the Malaysian Marine Department (MARDEP) and the CICM, the session provided a general overview of the Convention and then looked at the specific obligations that would fall to the chemical industry in respect of reporting and contributions.
This two-hour briefing session was attended by some 100 participants, comprising both Government and industry representatives, including participants from the Maritime Attaché’s Office in London, the Ministry of Transport and local port authorities, as well as manufacturers and distribution companies from the various chemical sub-sectors and service providers such as transport, logistics and warehousing companies.
Following the presentations by the IOPC Funds, a question and answer session took place, during which the Secretariat clarified a wide range of questions and concerns raised by the audience. This open forum provided a great opportunity for direct interaction with both the relevant authorities and those entities that may be liable to contribute to the HNS Fund in the event that Malaysia were to become a Contracting State to the Convention. In addition, the organisation of this event by the Malaysian Government has enabled the IOPC Funds to establish further useful contacts within the relevant administrations and the CICM, and the Secretariat encourages other States considering acceding to the 2010 HNS Convention to consider organising similar events. Please contact for further information.