Petroleum Association of Japan Oil Spill Workshop

On 14 February 2020, the Director, José Maura, participated in an oil spill workshop organised by the Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ) and funded by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. As part of the workshop, entitled ‘Developments in the oil spill response structure in South-eastern Asia’, the Director delivered a presentation on recent developments in incidents involving the IOPC Funds as well as on future challenges facing the organisation.
During his visit, Mr Maura took the opportunity to meet with senior members of the Japanese delegation to the IOPC Funds, Professor Fujita and Professor Goto as well as the Chair of the Petroleum Industry Marine Association of Japan (PIMA), Mr Saita, and its Director, Mr Nogami. He met with the Director General and other officers of the Maritime Bureau at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, with representatives of the classification society, Class NK and Mr Makoto Harunari, Chair of the IOPC Funds’ Audit Body.