RAMOGEPol Exercise

The IOPC Funds was invited to participate in the RAMOGEPol “U Portu” 2022 exercise that was held in Imperia, Italy, from 4 to 6 October 2022.
The RAMOGE Agreement is an intergovernmental cooperation agreement between France, Italy and Monaco for the preservation of the marine environment. As a result of this Agreement, a transboundary exercise (RAMOGEPol) is organised yearly by one of the signatory States to combat a marine pollution incident in the Mediterranean. The exercise focuses on building preparedness and capability to lead the response to a major maritime incident and on strengthening cooperation between the three coastal States.
This year, the scenario involved a product tanker which suffered an accidental spill of oil and HNS (hazardous and noxious substances) near Imperia, causing oil and chemical pollution and damaging the environment and its ecosystem. More than 100 personnel from the Coast Guard, Navy and from several local and central government departments, agencies and volunteers from the three countries have been involved in the response at sea and onshore. A total of 18 vessels and aircrafts from the Coast Guards and Navies of the three Countries have also been mobilised.
Senior Claims Manager, Chiara Della Mea, participated in the exercise as part of a group of evaluation experts assisting participants in the overall response operations to the pollution by deploying resources, at sea and onshore, within the framework of the RAMOGEPol plan. She also delivered a presentation on the application of the international liability and compensation regime, focusing on claims for clean-up operations.
The exercise was a success, providing a valuable learning experience for those involved.