Recent presentations and lectures given by the IOPC Funds’ Secretariat

The Secretariat is regularly requested to give presentations to organisations and groups of students from higher education institutions around the world.
In the past month, the Legal Counsel has given an in-house presentation to a small group of ITLOS Nippon Fellows, who are participating in the dispute settlement training programme organised by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and supported by the Nippon Foundation. He has also welcomed students from the University of Ghent to the IOPC Funds’ offices, providing them with an overview of the international liability and compensation regime and taking the opportunity to explain the role of the IOPC Funds and the claims settlement process.
In addition, the Head of Claims has visited the University of Southampton, United Kingdom, where she gave a presentation to students on the legal framework of the Organisation, major incidents involving the IOPC Funds and key issues affecting the Funds in 2015.