Regional workshop organised by REMPEITC-Carib, Barbados

The IOPC Funds Secretariat, along with an ITOPF representative, supported the REMPEITC-Carib regional workshop on the international liability and compensation regime in Barbados from 24-27 September 2013. The event was hosted by the Environment Protection Department of Barbados and was well-attended with representatives from 13 Caribbean States participating, ten of which were 1992 Fund Member States, with Barbados also being party to the Supplementary Fund Protocol.
A number of key issues were covered during the workshop, including the adequacy of the legal and practical arrangements that each State had in place for preparedness and response to oil spill, liability and compensation. One of the key concerns that arose from those discussions was the number of Member States which had not correctly or fully implemented the Conventions into their national legislation. Thomas Liebert, Head of External Relations and Conference Department and Matthew Sommerville, Head of Claims Department stressed the importance of implementation of the Conventions and offered assistance to those States concerned. The Secretariat intends to follow up with all contacts made at the workshop to consider ways forward and ensure that correct legislation is in place as soon as possible.
A separate meeting was held with the Barbados’ authorities after the workshop, to discuss specific issues related to compensation as part of their on-going review of their national oil spill preparedness and response capability.