Responding to Maritime Casualties in Brazil: Liability and Cost Recovery Workshop
The IOPC Funds’ Director, José Maura, participated in a national workshop hosted by the International Group of P&I Associations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 7 to 8 November 2019. The workshop, which was entitled ‘Responding to Maritime Casualties in Brazil: Liability and Cost Recovery Workshop’, brought together senior representatives from the Brazilian Navy, relevant government departments and agencies representing maritime activities, ports and the environment, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The event focused on the relevant international regimes for liability and compensation in respect of the removal of ships and cargo following an incident, as well as damage resulting from oil pollution from tankers. Representatives of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) presented on the relevant IMO Conventions and the IOPC Funds’ Director explained the role of the IOPC Funds. The second day of the workshop included a group exercise involving a theoretical incident.
During the Director’s stay in Brazil, he took the opportunity, together with the International Group and IMO, to meet with representatives of the Brazilian Government. They continued the ongoing discussions regarding the benefits of Brazil ratifying key Conventions and in particular, becoming a 1992 Fund Member State. It was agreed that the risk and impact of a major incident had been highlighted by the recent oil pollution from an unknown source, currently affecting the Brazilian coastline.