The East Asian Sea Congress 2012 Changwon City, Republic of Korea

The Director attended the East Asian Sea Congress 2012 from 9-13 July 2012 in Changwon City, Republic of Korea. The Director participated in a special workshop on the Future of Maritime Transport in a Blue Economy. Various presentations were made which highlighted and discussed the work of IMO and key international organisations, national and local government units and the private sector and their efforts in reducing the impacts of pollution caused by sea transportation and oil production. The Director gave a presentation on the developments in the International Liability and Compensation Regime and also took the opportunity to encourage accession to the HNS Convention. Other speakers included ITOPF, OSRL and IPIECA. The workshop, which was convened by IMO and PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia) and hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea, attracted 30-40 attendees.
At the conclusion of the workshop, a number of recommendations were presented. These included the recommendation that all States within the region should ratify/accede to, implement and enforce the Ballast Water Control and Management Convention, OPRC 90 Convention, the 1992 Civil Liability and Fund Conventions, the Bunkers Conventions and the 2010 HNS Protocol.