The Marine Environment and Data Exchange training project (MARENDA)

The World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmö, Sweden, invited the IOPC Funds to deliver a training session on claims and compensation as part of a training course on preparedness and response to marine pollution in Accra, Ghana from 15-24 February 2016. This training formed part of a European Union funded project aimed at improving data management and exchange in and between ports and to improve emergency response capacity against maritime pollution in five countries of Western and Central Africa.
The Head of External Relations and Conference Department was recruited as an expert for the project and travelled to Accra to deliver the training over two days (18-19 February 2016). He presented an overview of the tanker oil pollution compensation regime, including the historical background, the legal framework and the claims handling process. The 25 participants were from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Ghana Maritime Authority, the Ghana Port Authority, as well as representatives from the oil industry, universities and other interested stakeholders.
The MARENDA project is being implemented by a partnership of five organisations: Centro Tecnológico del Mar (CETMAR), GMV, Teirlog Ingeniera, the World Maritime University and the University of Las Palmas.