The Republic of Congo to join the Supplementary Fund

In a visit to the IOPC Funds’ offices in London on 19 May 2014, Minister responsible for the Merchant Navy, M. Martin Parfait Aimé Coussoud Mavoungou, informed the Director that the Republic of Congo had that day deposited instruments of accession to a number of IMO Conventions, including the Supplementary Fund Protocol. Congo will therefore become the 31st member of the Supplementary Fund on 19 August 2014.
The Minister and the Director had a fruitful meeting in which they discussed the possibility of further cooperation between the Secretariat and Congo in the future. The Director was delighted that the Minister had taken the time to visit the IOPC Funds and is looking forward to Congo playing a more active role in the work of the Funds’ governing bodies in the future.