UK Government and IOPC Funds sign new Headquarters Agreements

The Director is delighted to announce that on 23 March 2022, the revised Headquarters Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the 1992 Fund, and for the new Headquarters Agreement for the Supplementary Fund were signed at the IOPC Funds Headquarters in London.
The Director was honoured to welcome Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Transport (UK), Robert Courts, who attended the IOPC Funds offices to sign the Headquarters Agreements on behalf of the Host Government. These Agreements, which were approved by the governing bodies at their November 2020 sessions, will provide the necessary privileges and immunities to the IOPC Funds to discharge its responsibilities and functions fully and efficiently. This is of particular importance to the Supplementary Fund, as it is the first Headquarters Agreement for the organisation since the Protocol entered into force in 2005.
During Mr Courts’ visit, the Director discussed the organisation’s key activities and recent developments, and highlighted the excellent relationship the organisation has with the United Kingdom as the Host Government. The Director would like to express his appreciation to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Department for Transport of the United Kingdom for their continued efforts and commitment to finalising the text of the Agreements and for facilitating the legislative process through Parliament to enact the Headquarters Agreement into UK law. He would also like to thank them both for their continued cooperation and support to the organisation.