Visit by the Japan P&I Club

Representatives from the Japan Ship Owners’ Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association (the Japan P&I Club) made a very welcome visit to the IOPC Funds’ offices on 6 March 2023. IOPC Funds’ Director, Gaute Sivertsen, and Policy Officer, Yuji Okugawa, were very pleased to have the opportunity to meet with Mr Yuichi Tanaka, Director of the Japan P & I Club, and Mr Yusuke Nakahama, General Manager of the London Liaison Office of the Club. They spent time discussing the recent developments and activities of each organisation, with a particular focus on the impact of international sanctions on ship insurance in recent years.
The Japan P&I Club is the sole organisation in Japan underwriting P&I insurance for both ocean-going vessels and Japanese coastal vessels. It is a member of the International Group of P&I Associations and has worked with the IOPC Funds on incidents in the past.
This meeting was a very useful occasion to exchange information and reconnect in person with the Club. Cooperation between the insurer of a ship and the IOPC Funds in the event of any major incident is pivotal to the successful management of claims. The IOPC Funds therefore places great value on maintaining regular engagement with the P&I Clubs, and those members of International Group in particular.