Visit from the delegation of Malaysia

The Director was delighted to welcome the Malaysian Deputy Minister of Transport, Mr Datuk Haji Hasbi bin Haji Habibollah, to the IOPC Funds offices on 17 July 2023. The Deputy Minister was accompanied by the representative of Malaysia to IOPC Funds meetings, Mr Mohd Fairoz Rozali, and several senior officials from the Ministry of Transport, the Malaysia Marine Department and Port Authority.
The Director took the opportunity to provide a brief general overview of the role of the IOPC Funds for those in the group who were less familiar with the organisation and then discussed specific points of particular relevance to Malaysia, as well as the current challenges facing the IOPC Funds in general.
Malaysia is a 1992 Fund Member State, which actively participates in meetings of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies and has provided members of the credentials committee on several occasions. It also regularly engages with the Secretariat intersessionally, including taking advantage of the Secretariat’s online training capability. Such regular and positive contact with those responsible for IOPC Funds matters greatly facilitates the work of the organisation and ensures strong cooperation is maintained. This can be a key factor in the handling of any oil pollution incident but also in the day to day management of a State’s responsibilities under the 1992 Conventions, such as the submission of oil reports and invoicing and payment of contributions.
The Director is very appreciative of the Malaysian Deputy Minister for taking the time to meet with him and for the long-term commitment of the Malaysian delegation to the work of the IOPC Funds.
Any Member State wishing to request a similar bi-lateral meeting or larger group training activity should contact the Secretariat via