April 2016 IOPC Funds’ meetings: Deadline reminder for submission of credentials and registration

The next sessions of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies will take place from 25-27 April 2016 and, as stated in agenda circular IOPC/APR16/AGN, credentials and notifications for representatives, alternates and other persons designated by governments and organisations to attend the meetings should be sent to the Director of the IOPC Funds in advance of the opening of the meetings and preferably no later than Friday 15 April 2016. It is particularly important that this deadline is adhered to on this occasion, since the Credentials Committee will have very little time to examine the credentials of all delegations over the course of the 3-day meeting.
Detailed guidance in respect of the form and content of credentials and notifications is given in circular IOPC/2015/Circ.4.
Delegates must also register online in advance of the meetings at least one week before the meetings, i.e. by Friday 15 April 2016, using the electronic form available via the Document Services website. Delegates who do not register online in advance, will need to do so upon arrival and may not appear on the provisional list of participants.