Call for nomination of candidates for the joint Audit Body
The term of office of the current members of the IOPC Funds’ joint Audit Body will expire in October 2014. There will be six vacant positions for the named individuals nominated by 1992 Fund Member States who, in addition to the ‘external expert’ who is nominated by the Chairman of the 1992 Fund Assembly, will constitute the new Audit Body to be elected in October 2014. Nominations of candidates are invited for the six vacant positions. They should be submitted, together with their curriculum vitae, to the Director by 14 March 2014 at the latest. Nominations can only be made by 1992 Fund Member States.
The joint Audit Body normally meets three times a year to review the adequacy and effectiveness of the Organisations regarding key issues of management and financial systems, financial reporting, internal controls, operational procedures and risk management, and to review the Organisations’ Financial Statements and reports. It also considers all relevant reports by the External Auditor, including reports on the Organisations’ Financial Statements, and reports to the governing bodies at their regular autumn session.
Further details can be found in Circular: IOPC/2014/Circ.2