Claims assessment, oil report processing and protection of the Funds’ assets continue despite temporary remote working arrangements

In light of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the IOPC Funds’ Secretariat continues to work remotely. Despite these temporary working arrangements, it continues to carry out its core tasks to the extent possible.
In particular, claims for compensation continue to be assessed, the Secretariat is in regular communication with experts and lawyers involved in the various open incidents and payments are being made as usual as agreements are reached. The Director recognises, however, that should a new major incident occur during these unusual circumstances, the IOPC Funds would face new challenges, specifically with regard to the presence of experts on site. However, the IOPC Funds remains committed to providing its full support to its Member States and to anticipating solutions to the problems that could occur during this unprecedented time.
In addition to incidents, the IOPC Funds is closely monitoring the global financial markets in light of the pandemic. The joint Investment Advisory Body met via conference call on 15 April 2020 and together with the Director, continues to oversee and review the security of the Funds’ investments.
The joint Audit Body also met remotely on 17 April 2020 and despite the challenges presented by the different locations and time zones of the members and other participants, the various items on the agenda were successfully discussed and the Financial Statements for 2019 were approved.
In general, the work of the IOPC Funds continues. The Secretariat remains in close contact with the IMO Secretariat in relation to the status of the IMO building and the IOPC Funds’ offices, the planning of future meetings and other activities which have been affected. The Director will continue to follow the advice of the World Health Organization and the UK Government with regard to the reopening of the IOPC Funds’ offices and in the meantime, staff remain available to assist with enquiries and are contactable via their usual email addresses.
If you do not know the details of the person you wish to contact, or for general enquiries, please email Please rest assured that all messages will be received and responded to at the earliest opportunity.
Should you need to report an oil pollution incident to the IOPC Funds, please contact the Head of Claims, Liliana Monsalve, at