Informal lunch meeting for States from the European region

On 1 March 2023, the Director hosted an informal lunch meeting for the UK-based representatives of States from the European region at the IOPC Funds’ offices.
The meeting was attended by representatives from 22 States, including 21 1992 Fund Member States, 16 Supplementary Fund Member States, one Observer State and three Contracting States to the 2010 HNS Protocol.
A number of representatives already knew the organisation well as delegates to IOPC Funds’ meetings, for some they were aware of the international liability and compensation regime but were unfamiliar with the organisation, and for others this was their first introduction to the IOPC Funds. The event therefore provided an opportunity for all those attending to discuss and engage informally with members of the Secretariat about the work of the organisation and on various subjects, such as the management of incidents, the running of meetings of the governing bodies, the oil reporting and contributions system, and the status of the HNS Convention.
In a welcoming statement, the Director gave a brief overview of the IOPC Funds and talked about the important role of States both during an incident and in the general management of the organisation. He emphasised in particular the obligations of Member States to ensure oil reports are submitted to the Secretariat annually and the importance of attendance at meetings of the governing bodies.
The event was very useful and a valuable occasion to strengthen Member State engagement and promote the international regime. Further such meetings for other regions are planned for later in the year.