Informal lunch meeting with IGOs and NGOs

Posted: 26/02/2015
Categories: News – External Relations

On 30 January 2015, the Director of the IOPC Funds hosted an informal lunch meeting for the UK-based representatives from Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) which have responsibilities or activities in fields related to those of the IOPC Funds, particularly in connection with pollution and environmental matters, maritime and shipping affairs, marine insurance, production or transport of oil or relevant questions of international law.
In his welcoming statement, the Director encouraged the guests to use the lunch meeting as an opportunity to exchange ideas and views and touch on issues of common interest where the IOPC Funds could work further together with them. He referred to the dissolution of the 1971 Fund, and to the fact that a number of the organisations present had expressed concern regarding the decision of the 1971 Fund Administrative Council to close the 1971 Fund in 2014. The Director acknowledged that the decision had created a divide, which was regrettable, but insisted that, as professionals, he very much hoped that the relationship between the Funds and the organisations concerned could begin to be rebuilt, starting from that same meeting. He referred to possible discussions on interim payments and to working together to ensure the international liability and compensation regime continued to pay victims of oil pollution damage.
Finally the Director drew the guests’ attention to a number of issues that lay ahead in 2015, including the implementation and promotion of the compensation regime; the technical issue of the definition of ‘ship’ which was being considered by the 1992 Fund 7th intersessional Working Group; and the 12 open 1992 Fund incidents.
The next regional lunch meeting for Member and non-Member States is planned to be take place in early summer 2015.

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