Launch of ITOPF film series, Seoul, Republic of Korea

On 25 September 2014, the Director and the Head of Claims Department, Mrs Liliana Monsalve, attended the launch of the final film of ITOPF’s award winning seven-part film series "Response to Marine Oil Spills" at an event jointly organised in Seoul, Republic of Korea by ITOPF and KOMOS, the Korean Marine surveyors engaged by the IOPC Funds following the Hebei Spirit incident.
The film series includes footage from oil spills around the world, including the Hebei Spirit, and over 200 members of the Korean shipping community attended its final launch event. The key note speakers following the welcome from Dr Tim Lunel of ITOPF included Mr Kim, Director at the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries, Mr Lee, Chairman of Korea P&I, Mr José Maura, Director of the IOPC Funds and Captain SK Kim from KOMOS.
The seven films in the series are:
1. Introduction to Oil Spills
2. Aerial Surveillance
3. At-Sea Response
4. Shoreline Clean-Up
5. Waste Management
6. Environmental Impacts
7. Oil Spill Compensation
The Director contributed to the seventh film covering oil spill compensation and took the opportunity of the film to congratulate ITOPF on the entire film series. In particular he commented on how well the films highlighted the importance of close collaboration between the parties involved in any spill, notably the relevant authorities of the Government affected, the P&I Club involved, the experts and the IOPC Funds. He stated that the Hebei Spirit incident, which was covered in film seven, was a great example of excellent cooperation between the Korean Government, the Skuld Club, ITOPF, KOMOS and the IOPC Funds.
The films are freely available to view via and a DVD is also available to purchase via ITOPF directly. Subtitles are provided in Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, Korean and English.