New Guidelines for presenting claims for clean up and preventive measures

The new Guidelines for presenting claims for clean up and preventive measures, adopted by the 1992 Fund Administrative Council at its April 2015 session are now available via the publications section of the website.
These Guidelines are for inclusion within the Claims Information Pack, which was published in 2014. The pack now contains the following publications:
- Claims manual (2013 edition)
- Guidelines for presenting claims in the fisheries, mariculture and fish processing sectors (2014 edition)
- Guidelines for presenting claims in the tourism sector (2014 edition)
- Guidelines for presenting claims for clean up and preventive measures (2015 edition)
- Example Claim Form (2014 edition)
The above publications are available to download individually or can be viewed collectively as an ebook here. Hard copies of the entire pack or of just the new booklet are available on request. However, those on our mailing list already in receipt of a Claims Information Pack will automatically be sent a copy of the Guidelines to add to their pack.