November 2021 meeting of the IOPC Funds’ governing bodies

The governing bodies of the IOPC Funds held sessions from Monday, 1 November to Friday, 5 November 2021 via the e-conferencing platform KUDO.
A record 88 States, representing 86 Member States of the 1992 Fund, 26 Member States of the Supplementary Fund and two observer States, as well as 12 observer organisations, attended sessions of the 1992 Fund Assembly, the 1992 Fund Executive Committee and the Supplementary Fund Assembly.
This was the fourth meeting that the organisation has held over KUDO. However, due to the lifting of restrictions in the United Kingdom, delegations were permitted to attend the meeting in person for the first time since 2019, and a number of representatives joined the Director and Chairs to follow discussions from the main conference hall of the IMO building. The election of the next Director of the IOPC Funds also took place in person, by roll call during dedicated private meetings
A brief summary of the decisions taken at the sessions is available here, and the full Record of Decisions of the meeting will be made available via the Document Services section very soon.