Online training on maritime emergency response, organised by the Government of Quebec, Canada

At the invitation of the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Government of Quebec, Canada, the IOPC Funds participated, in collaboration with twelve other organisations, in a two-week online training event on maritime emergency response.
Ana Cuesta, Claims Manager, provided an introduction to the legal framework of the international liability and compensation regime for oil pollution damage and Chrystelle Collier, Claims Administrator, presented on the practical aspects of claims for compensation.
The online training took place between 18–29 January 2021 and was attended by 75 environmental emergency agents from the Ministry of the Environment. The participating environmental agencies found it to be a good opportunity to identify potential challenges in an emergency situation and discuss the best strategies to respond efficiently to a maritime incident.
The IOPC Funds were pleased to take part in the training and raise awareness, in collaboration with the Canadian Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund (SOPF) and Transport Canada, about compensation for oil pollution damage.