Online workshop on contributions and the submission of oil reports for Malaysia

On Monday, 12 September, the IOPC Funds delivered an online workshop organised by the Marine Department of Malaysia, which focused on the financing of the organisation, specifically the processes for the submission of oil reports and the calculation and invoicing of contributions.
The workshop, which was opened by the Director of Maritime Training Institute (MATRAIN), Dr Julyus Melvin Mobilik, was attended by officers dealing with shipping matters and representatives of national oil companies who were either new to their positions or unfamiliar with the IOPC Funds’ reporting and contributions system.
Information Officer, Victoria Turner, provided a general overview of the IOPC Funds and the role of the Secretariat to participants. This was then followed by presentations from the Policy Officer, Yuji Okugawa, on the importance of oil reporting and the Chief of Finance, Claire Montgomery, who explained the contributions system and the financial management of the organisation more widely. She then led an interactive question and answer session focusing on frequent issues or requests for clarifications received by the Secretariat.
This webinar follows an earlier online session which focused on the 2010 HNS Convention (read more here). Other States interested in holding similar events are encouraged to contact the Secretariat via