Princess Empress incident – Claims process continues with establishment of new collection centre and mobile claims team

Following the opening of a joint Claims Submission Office (CSO) in March with the insurer of the Princess Empress, the Shipowners’ P&I Club, the IOPC Funds and the Club have now opened a new claims collection centre in the area barangay Banilad, Pinamalayan.
A mobile team from the CSO has also been organising the collection of claims in barangay Masaguing in the municipality of Naujan.
The claims team will continue to extend the facilities to collect claims to other affected barangays and municipalities. The CSO is involved in regular dialogue with barangay captains from the affected municipalities to accommodate the submission of claims. Claimants have been advised to approach their barangay captains for more information regarding the schedule of visits.
Guidance regarding the submission of claims for this incident can be found under the Information for Claimants page, where claims forms for four different types of claims can be found, together with further information regarding the incident and the claims process in general. That information is in the process of being translated and will be made available in Tagalog in due course.
For further information regarding the incident, visit: MT Princess Empress Incident Information Centre (