Relevant national legislation submitted by Antigua and Barbuda for online country profile

Antigua and Barbuda have submitted to the Secretariat a copy of the national legislation relevant to the IOPC Funds, which is now available to view via their country profile under the Membership section of the website.
1992 Fund Member States were reminded at the October 2022 sessions of the IOPC Funds governing bodies of the formal invitation to States in circular IOPC/2016/Circ.2 to submit copies of relevant national legislation to the Secretariat at their earliest convenience for inclusion in the IOPC Funds’ online country profiles. As at 30 November 2022, the following 20 States have shared the relevant documentation.
Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, France, China (HKSAR), Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Türkiye, United Kingdom.
As well as being of general interest to users of the website, having details of the national legislation of Member States implementing the 1992 Civil Liability and Fund Conventions, and, where applicable, the Supplementary Fund Protocol, can facilitate communication and cooperation between Member States and the Secretariat on matters such as oil reporting, contributions or general applicability of the Conventions.
States that have not yet submitted copies of relevant national legislation to the Secretariat are encouraged to do so in the form of a link to the relevant pages of a government website or in the form of a PDF.
For more information, please contact: