Sub-regional seminar on compensation

The IOPC Funds took part in a two-day sub-regional seminar on compensation for oil pollution damage from 4 to 5 December 2018, in Larnaca, Republic of Cyprus. The seminar was organised by the Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC) with the assistance of the Cyprus Maritime Authority. Mark Homan, Claims Manager, was joined by representatives from ITOPF and the International Group of P&I Associations, to present on the international liability and compensation regime for tanker spills. The IOPC Funds focused their presentation on the claims-handling process and the criteria for the admissibility of claims. The seminar was well attended by various government authorities representing Greece, Cyprus and Israel. Participants also visited the modern Joint Rescue Coordination Centre, the “Zenon” Centre, which serves to organise multi-purpose search and rescue operations at sea.