Symposium for the Philippines on compensation for damage to the marine environment

On 8 June 2023, at the invitation of the University of the Philippines Law Center – Institute for Maritime Affairs & Law of the Sea, and the Research program “Resource Inventory, Valuation and Policy in Ecosystem Services under Threat” (RE-INVEST Project), the IOPC Funds participated in a symposium on compensation for damage to the marine environment.
Senior Claims Manager, Chiara DellaMea, delivered a presentation to 100 people from universities, authorities and various agencies in the Philippines on the international liability and compensation regime for oil pollution damage from tanker spills. She also covered the types of claims that could be submitted for compensation and the admissibility criteria applied when assessing claims.
She was joined by RE-INVEST project researchers to discuss the subject further. Reference was made to incidents which occurred in the Philippines and how the regime applies to the specific circumstances of the country. For further information on the latest incident in the Philippines, please see here or visit