Visit by the Minister of Transport of Saudi Arabia
The Director was delighted to welcome the Minister of Transport of Saudi Arabia, H.E. Mr Saleh bin Nasser bin Alali Aljasser, and his colleagues to the Funds’ offices on 28 September 2021. Saudi Arabia has observer status with the IOPC Funds and is regularly represented at meetings of the Funds’ governing bodies. However, despite its location and prominent role in the oil industry, it is not yet Party to the 1992 Fund Convention.
This meeting provided a good opportunity for the Director to provide a brief overview of the international liability and compensation regime to the Minister and to highlight the benefits of joining the 1992 Fund. It was a very positive discussion which concluded with the mutual agreement to maintain engagement going forward and with the Director offering the Secretariat’s assistance with any steps towards ratification and implementation of the 1992 Fund Convention.