Visit from representatives of Türkiye

A large delegation from Türkiye visited the IOPC Funds’ offices on 31 October 2023. Government officials from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change were joined by representatives from Turksat and MEKE, a prominent clean-up contracting organisation.
Claims Manager, Mark Homan, was delighted to meet with the group and delivered a presentation on the IOPC Funds and, in particular, the importance of ensuring the correct implementation of the 1992 Fund Convention and the Supplementary Fund Protocol into national law. Türkiye is undertaking a full review of its current contingency plan in respect of various maritime treaties and had requested to meet with the IOPC Funds alongside meetings with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and various other parties engaged in oil pollution response.
As well as being both a 1992 Fund and Supplementary Fund Member State, Türkiye is also a Contracting State to the 2010 HNS Protocol. During Mr Homan’s presentation, he emphasised the key elements of each of the relevant liability and compensation Conventions and the issues that can arise if States do not include those elements during the implementation process. This meeting provided a good opportunity to engage directly with both Government and industry stakeholders, to answer questions and offer assistance at a practical level.
Any States seeking assistance with the implementation process are encouraged to contact the Secretariats of either the IOPC Funds or the IMO directly.