Visit to Republic of Korea, 2-4 September 2013

Director and Head of Claims Department inspect the new document storage facility with the staff and experts of the HSC
The Director and Head of Claims Department visited Republic of Korea for meetings with the Korean Government on the latest developments in the Hebei Spirit incident. During the meetings the six year anniversary of the incident, due on 7 December 2013, and the legal consequences under the international Conventions were discussed in detail to ensure that claimants do not lose their rights to obtain compensation under the Conventions. The Director also took the opportunity to meet with local experts and to inspect the new offices and storage facility set up for the Hebei Spirit Centre (HSC), which has now been relocated to shared offices with one of the expert companies engaged in the incident. Amongst other tasks, the two remaining HSC staff have been busy making sure that the large amounts of documents received and generated over the last six years are consolidated, filed or packaged for long-term storage, and at the same time ensuring that the documents will remain accessible even after HSC and its dedicated staff have gone.