GI-WACAF National Workshop, Cabo Verde

The IOPC Funds were invited to participate in a national workshop in Cabo Verde from 10-13 May 2016 on contingency planning and liability and compensation in case of an oil spill. The event was organised and funded by IMO and IPIECA within the framework of the GI-WACAF project (for more information see and hosted in Mindelo by the Cabo Verde Maritime and Port Agency.
Together with a representative from ITOPF, the IOPC Funds’ Head of External Relations and Conference, Mr Thomas Liebert, gave a number of presentations and led interactive sessions on the international liability and compensation regime in general and on claims submission in particular. Another part of the workshop focused on the finalisation of the National Contingency Plan, with a particular emphasis on spill scenarios and response strategies which provided excellent local case studies to illustrate the sessions on compensation.
Around 40 participants from the various government agencies concerned as well as the oil and shipping industry and other stakeholders took an active part in the workshop.